places & people
Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto

Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo de Materiales Avanzados
Department of Chemistry
Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
Agencia Postal No3
Río Cuarto, 5800, ARGENTINA
Phone: (+54) 358-4676233/157
Fax: (+54) 358-4676233
Diego Fernando ACEVEDO (Dr.Eng.)

Department of Chemistry
Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
Agencia Postal No3
Río Cuarto, 5800, ARGENTINA
Phone: (+54) 358-4676233/157
Fax: (+54) 358-4676233
Permanent Teacher at the National University of Rio Cuarto
Permanent Researcher at the Argentinean Council of Sciences (CONICET)
Specialized in:
Conducting Polymers
Chemical modification of Polymers and Carbon Nanotubes
Combinatorial Chemistry
Surface Modification
Juan Manuel BALACH (Lic.)

Department of Chemistry
Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
Agencia Postal No3
Río Cuarto, 5800, ARGENTINA
Phone: (+54) 358-4676233/157
Fax: (+54) 358-4676233
Fellow of the Argentinean Council of Sciences (CONICET)
Synthesis of Porous Carbons
Electrochemistry of Materials
Synthesis and functionalization of polyaniline
Functionalization of carbon nanotubes
Synthesis of monolithic and microparticles nanoporous carbon by carbonization of resorcinol/formaldehyde resins
Layer-by-layer self-assembled multilayer films of carbon nanotubes, polyaniline and porous carbon microparticles
Cesar Alfredo BARBERO (Professor Dr.)

Department of Chemistry
Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
Agencia Postal No3
Río Cuarto, 5800, ARGENTINA
Phone: (+54) 358-4676233/157
Fax: (+54) 358-4676233
Specialized in:
Advanced Materials: Polymers, Carbon, Nanoparticles, Carbon Nanotubes
Electrochemistry of Polymers
Combinatorial Chemistry of Conducting Polymers
Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes
Martin Federico BROGLIA (Dr.)

Department of Chemistry
Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
Agencia Postal No3
Río Cuarto, 5800, ARGENTINA
Phone: (+54) 358-4676233/157
Fax: (+54) 358-4676233
Permanent Teacher at the National University of Rio Cuarto
Permanent Research of the Argentinean Council of Sciences (CONICET)
Non-Conducting Polymers
Chemical modification of Polymers
Photochemistry of Materials
Surface Modification